Chocolate Cake with Roses

Chocolate Cake and Candy with Roses

Fear paralyzes. And I suffer every time that I face a new recipe. Gives me much laziness thinking that something in what I will invest much time is going to go wrong. And sometimes that reason enough to not try it. However, most of the time I put my hands to work just discovering that things tend to be easier than they appear. It is the case of this cake. I'm not the first one that makes this decoration or nor I will be the last. I think that source is in I am baker and its famous Rose Cake, included video, and she followed him not a few people, to occupy page on blogs that I admire very much as objective: perfect cupcake or the recipe for happiness.

I'm not lying when I say that decoration is extremely simple. I am baker shows in a video how decorates it it in just four minutes. And it is true that not required more time. But the success of this recipe in particular, which I have done, is not only the decoration: I have stolen two fabulous recipes and I joined them. A, is the chocolate cake of Chocolate Layer Cake of Bea from the corner of Bea. Another, is the wonderful mouthwatering of soul, of objective: perfect cupcake, already used in the frosted Strawberry cupcakes and here you've modified slightly to give a rich caramel flavor.

And is that to overcome this pareza which floods me to think that you a recipe copied from some book, blog or invented me is going to go wrong, just gotta go to blogger's confidence with which I know that nothing can fail. The result is a delicious tart, secure success beyond where it will. A juicy, soft and at the same time dense chocolate cake, like me I like. And a candy with a totally perfect consistency buttercream.

I encourage you to put hands to work. And to come that buttercream out perfect... I remember the draw for a KitchenAid organized by objective: perfect cupcake in collaboration with our online shop. By clicking here you can see the soul relating to the sweepstakes entry and by clicking here you can access the sweepstakes application on Facebook. Best wishes!